Undergraduate Student
Automated Information Processing Lab
Electrical and Computer Engineering Program
Puerto Rico University at Mayaguez
Call Box 9000, Mayaguez, PR 00681
Phone: +1 (787) 832-4040, ext. 5821
Keisha Castillo Torres is pursuing a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Puerto Rico (UPRM). Keisha has had the opportunity of participating in summer research experiences for undergraduates (REU) at universities such as, the University of Pittsburgh at Pennsylvania (2013) and the University of Wisconsin – Madison (2014). Keisha is focusing her EE major on digital signal processing (DSP). Therefore, since February 2012, she has been working with Dr. Domingo Rodríguez as an undergraduate research assistant in several projects in the area at the UPRM. She has also participated twice in the annual conference SACNAS (2012 and 2013) and in CCWiC (2014), where she have had the opportunity of presenting her research work.
Digital Modulation Techniques for Wireless Communications.
Time-Frequency Analysis of Linear-Time Invariant (LTI) Communication Channels.
K. Castillo, D. Márquez, and D. Rodríguez.
Virtex-5 XC5VLX110T FPGA User Guide- AIP Lab Technical Report, UPRM, 2012.
Castillo K., Márquez D., Camelo A., Valera J., Rodréguez D.
FPGA Implementation of Digital Modulators for Underwater Communications – Poster for SACNAS Conference 2012.
Castillo K., Márquez D., Valera J., and Rodréguez D.
Time-Frequency Analysis of Linear-Time Invariant (LTI) Communication Channels – Poster for SACNAS Conference 2013.
Castillo K., Márquez D. (Graduate Mentor), Valera J. (Graduate Mentor), and Rodréguez D. (Adviser)
Fast Time-Frequency Methods for Ophthalmic Echography Applications – Poster for SACNAS Conference 2014.
Advisor: Prof. Domingo Rodríguez